
list of scholarship site


1. http://www.delidn.ec.europa.eu (Erasmus mundus)
1. 1. Pemilihan universitas dari beasiswa Erasmus mundus: http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/mundus/projects/index_en.html
1. http://studyinaustralia.gov.au/Sia/id/CourseSearch/ScholarshipSearch.htm
2. http://www.adsjakarta.or.id
3. http://www.ausaid.gov.au/scholar/studyin.cfm
4. http://www.austembjak.or.id/aei/
5. http://www.australian.unimel.edu.au/internationallinks/Indonesia/index.html
6. http://www.dest.gov.au/international/Awards/aaawards.html
7. http://www.moreton.tafe.net
8. http://www.newcastle.edu.au/research/fellowships/
9. http://www.services.unimelb.edu.au/scholarship/pgrad/index.html
10. http://www.swin.edu.au/research/f-welcome.html
11. http://www.usyd.edu.au/su/io/scholarships/
12. http://www.usyd.edu.au/su/reschols/scholarships/
1. http://www.abk.or.jp
2. http://www.adb.org/jsp
3. http://www.aiej.or.jp
4. http://www.candc.or.jp/english/index.html
5. http://www.city.hachioji.tokyo.jp/
6. http://www.city.hakodate.hokkaido.jp/~kikaku/english/
7. http://www.city.takahashi.okayama.jp
8. http:///www.city.tsukuba.ibaraki.jp
9. http://www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
10. http://www.ecis.nagoya-u.ac.jp/nupace//index.html
11. http://www.gic.gifu-net.jp
12. http://www.grips.ac.jp/applying/scholarships.html
13. http://www.hisf.or.jp
14. http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp
15. http://www.ih-osaka.or.jp
16. http://www.hyogo-icc.net.jp/
17. http://www.iuj.ac.jp
18. http://www.jan.net.jp/~airy/
19. http://www.jica.or.id
20. http://www.jice.org/english/jds/indonesia.html
21. http://www.kamalindo.com/japan/beasiswa/lengkap.html
22. http://www.kif-org.com
23. http://www.kisc.co.jp?KIEA
24. http://www.matsushita.co.jp/scholarship/pana~sch@hi=ho.net.jp
25. http://www.mfsg.co.jp
26. http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/culture/scholarship/
27. http://www.naigai.or.jp
28. http://www.nns.net.jp/ass/
29. http://www.ohotuku26.or.jp/kitami
30. http://www.s-i-a.or.jp/english/biwako.html
31. http://www.sira.or.jp
32. http://www.sisf.or.jp
33. http://www.takasesf.or.jp
34. http://www.torisakyu.or.jp
35. http://www.town.yoshiro.hyogo.jp
36. http://www.worlvillage.org/index.html
37. http://www.ysf.or.jp/en/indexe.html
38. http://www.between.ne.jp/sij/en/index.html
1. http://www.sco.ucl.ac.be/codev/bcodeveng.html
2. http://www.vlir.be/os/scholarship.html
1. http://www.onassis.gr/english/scholars/announcement.html
1. http://www.unisi.ch
2. http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/cdmello/it.html
1. http://www.kaist.ac.kr
2. http://www.konkuk.ac.kr/2002/engcollege/college102.html
3. http://www.korindo.co.id/eng/welfare/scholarship.asp
4. http://www.postech.ac.kr
5. http://www.tlbu.ac.kr
1. http://center.uvt.nl
2. http://holocaust.hklaw.com/
3. http://www.cse.tue.nl
4. http://www.fdewb.unimaas.nl/algec/socprotection
5. http://www.fee.uva.nl/mif
6. http://www.ihs.nl
7. http://www.illc.uva.nl/gpil
8. http://www.ipc-training.nl
9. http://www.isatec.unibremen.de
10. http://www.ishss.uva.nl
11. http://www.iss.nl
12. http://www.itc.nl
13. http://www.jur.uva.nl
14. http://www.kit.nl
15. http://www.law.uu.nl/english/llm
16. http://www.leiden.edu
17. http://www.let.rug.nl/noha
18. http://www.llm-erasmus.org
19. http://www.masterprogramme.nl
20. http://www.math.utwente.nl/GS
21. http://www.mph.unimaas.nl
22. http://www.msm.nl
23. http://www.nec.or.id
24. http://www.neth-embassy-jakarta.org/pages/nec-stuned.html
25. http://www.nuffic.nl
26. http://www.rechten.unimaas.nl/mic
27. http://www.rsm.nl
28. http://www.rug.nl/prc
29. http://www.sci.kun.nl/mri
30. http://www.science.uva.nl/research/scs/msc/index.html
31. http://www.tudelft.nl/msc
32. http://www.utwente.nl/tdg
33. http://www.uva.nl/isp/program/amma.html
34. http://www.vet.uu.nl/english/faculty/bureau/bic/postgraduate
35. http://www.wau.nl
36. http://worldleisure.org/wice.html
1. http://www.cordonbleu.net/
2. http://www.edufrance.fr/fr/b-agencelangues.html
3. http://www.edufrance.fr/indo/
4. http://www.enous.fr
5. http://www.egide.asso.fr
6. http://www.epfl.ch
7. http://www.fabert.com
8. http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/culture/france/ressources/fle/index.html
9. http://www.unine.ch
1. http://www.arts.uni.bonn.de
2. http://www.bergbaumuseum.de
3. http://www.daad.de/alumni
4. http://www.daad.de/deutschlan/de/2.4.4.html
5. http://jakarta.daad.de/beasiswa.html
6. http://www.dife.de
7. http://www.enro.uni-bremen.de
8. http://www.fbh-berlin.de
9. http://www.fh-nuertingen.de
10. http://www.forst.tu-dresden.de/inter/
11. http://www.gesis.org/en/index.html
12. http://www.humboldt-foundation.de
13. http://www.igzev.de
14. http://www.ikz-berlin.de
15. http://www.inm-gmbh.de
16. http://www.ipfdd.de
1. http://pkukmweb.ukm.my/~jkkp/
2. http://www.um.edu.my
3. http://www.ukm.my
1. http://www.uio.no/english/studentlife/scholarship
2. http://www.uio.no/english/academics/admission/quota/index.html
1. http://api.ateneo.net
1. http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk
1. http://www.ntu.edu.sg
2. http://www.ntu.edu.sg/registar/issu
3. http://www.nus.edu.sg/AGS
4. http://www.smf-scholar.org
5. http://www.sma.nus.edu.sg
1. http://www.sei.se/risk/overview.html
2. http://www.studyinsweden.se
1. http://www.crus.ch/engl/postgrad.html
2. http://www.crus.ch.engl/study.html
3. http://www.eda.admin.ch/
4. http://www.edk.ch/Start/mainstarte.html
5. http://www.swissembassy.or.id
6. http://www.swissuni.ch
7. http://www.unibe.ch
8. http://www.unifr.ch
9. http://www.unil.ch
10. http://www.unilu.ch
11. http://www.unisg.ch
12. http://www.unizh.ch
1. http://www.ait.ac.th
2. http://www.asianscolarship.org/
3. http://www.au.ac.th
4. http://www.bu.ac.th
5. http://www.chula.ac.th
6. http://www.cum.ac.th
7. http://www.edunet.au.edu/central.asp
8. http://www.edunet.au.edu/Eastern.asp
9. http://www.edunet.au.edu/North-Eastern.asp
10. http://www.edunet.au.edu/Northern.asp
11. http://www.edunet.au.edu/Northern.asp
12. http://www.edunet.au.edu/Western.asp
13. http://www.www.iie.org/cies/asiafellows/Bangkok
14. http://www.itczm.ait.ac.th
15. http://www.kmitl.ac.th
16. http://www.kmitnb.ac.th/
17. http://www.ku.ac.th
18. http://www.mahidol.ac.th
19. http://www.psu.ac.th
20. http://www.seameo.org
21. http://www.tu.ac.th
22. http://utcc.ac.th/
1. http://pdc.adm.ncu.edu.tw/exam91/foreign/foreignmain.html
United States
1. http://ppia.aed.org/index.html
2. http://scholarship.tylenol.com/
3. http://scholarships-ar-us.org/athletic.html
4. http://www.admiss.wesleyan.edu/freeman.html
5. http://www.aphis.usda.gov/mb/mrphr/jobs/stw.html
6. http://www.bkscholars.csfa.org
7. http://www.blackexel.org/fin-sch.html
8. http://www.bu.edu/education
9. http://www.cns.gov/americorps
10. http://www.coca-colascholars.org/cokeWeb/jsp/scholars/index.html
11. http://www.college-scholarships.com
12. http://eee.depaul.edu/
13. http://www.eastchance.com/anunt-index.asp?q=us,sch
14. http://www.fasfa.ed.gov/
15. http://www.geoponline.org
16. http://www.gmsp.org/nominationmaterils/read.dbm?ID=12
17. http://www.hawaii.edu/admissions
18. http://www.hawcc.hawaii.edu
19. http://www.hcc.hawaii.edu
20. http://www.imf.org
21. http://www.inroads.org
22. http://www.jackituckfield.org
23. http://www.kauaicc.hawaii.edu
24. http://www.lulac.org/Programs/Scholars.html
25. http://www.miss.edu
26. http://www.mjfellows.org
27. http://naas.org/senior.html
28. http://www.nationalservice.org/scholarships/
29. http://www.ox.ac.uk
30. http://www.project-exellence.com
31. http://www.ronbrown.org
32. http://www.roothberthfund.org/scholarships.php
33. http://www.truman.gov
34. http://www.uhh.hawaii.edu
35. http://www.uhwo.hawaii.edu
36. http://www.usembassyjakarta.org/aminef
37. http://www.usip.org/ed/npec/index.html
38. http://www.wartburg.edu
39. http://www.wcc.hawaii.edu
40. http://www.environment.uchicago.edu/studies/scholaships.html
41. http://www.omsa.uchicago.edu/resource/scholarships.html
42. http://www.nyu.edu/scholarships/resources.html
43. http://www.uapb.edu/recruitment/page13.html
44. http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/Education/students/Research/space.html
45. http://www.aflcio.org/familyfunresources/collegecosts/scholar.cmf
46. http://www.akaeaf.org/scholarship.html
47. http://www.coca-colascholars.org/cokeWEB/JSP/SCHOLARS/Index.jsp
48. http://www.admissions.cornell.edu/finaid/index.cfm
United Kingdom
1. http://Irfpud.raumplanung.uni-dortmund.de/
2. http://www.aasa.org
3. http://www.aber.ac.uk/pga/web/apply.htm
4. http://www.ati.surrey.ac.uk/profiles/academics?name=GrahamReed
5. http://www.baath.ac.uk
6. http://www.britishcouncil.or.id
7. http://www.chester.ac.uk
8. http://www.chevening.or.id
9. http://www.city.ac.uk/
10. http://www.ed.ac.uk
11. http://www.educationuk.or.id
12. http://www.ex.ac.uk/gradschool/funding.html
13. http://www.gla.ac.uk
14. http://www.glam.ac.uk
15. http://www.isvr.soton.ac.uk
16. http://www.Ise.ac.uk
17. http://www.Ishtm.ac.uk
18. http://www.ncl.ac.uk
19. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk
20. http://www.rbslondon.ac.uk₤1
21. http://www.rhodesscholar.org/info.html
22. http://www.rhul.ac.uk
23. http://www.richmond.ac.uk
24. http://www.surrey.ac.uk
25. http://www.unist.ac.uk/university/job
26. http://www.unI.ac.uk/

1. Harvard University US
2. Cambridge University UK
3. Oxford University UK
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology US
5. Yale University US
6. Stanford University US
7. California Institute of Technology US
8. University of California, Berkeley US
9. Imperial College London UK
10. Princeton University US
11. University of Chicago US
12. Columbia University US
13. Duke University US
14. Beijing University China
15. Cornell University US
16. Australian National University Australia
17. London School of Economics UK
18. Ecole Normale Superieure France
19. National University of Singapore Singapore
20. Tokyo University Japan
21. McGill University Canada
22. Melbourne University Australia
23. John Hopkins University US
24. ETH Zurich Swiss
25. University College London UK
26. Pennsylvania University US
27. University of Toronto Canada
28. Tsing Hua University China
29. Kyoto University Japan
30. University of Michigan US
31. University of California, Los Angeles US
32. University of Texas at Austin US
33. Edinburgh University UK
34. University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
35. Carnegie Mellon University US
36. Sydney University Australia
37. Ecole Polytechnique France
38. Monash University Australia
39. Geneva University Swiss
40. Manchester University UK
41. University of New south Wales Australia
42. North Western University US
43. New York University US
44. University of California, San Diego US
45. Queensland University Australia
46. Auckland University New Zealand
47. King’s College London US
48. Rochester University US
49. Washington University, St. Louis US
50. University of British Columbia Canada
51. Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

1. Cambridge University UK
2. Oxford University UK
3. Imperial College London UK
4. London school of Economics UK
5. Ecole Normale Superieureu, Paris France
6. ETH Zurich Swiss
7. University College London UK
8. Edinburgh University UK
9. Ecole Polytechnique France
10. Geneva University Swiss
11. Manchester University UK
12. King’s College University UK
13. Sciences Po France
14. Copenhagen University Denmark
15. Heidelberg University German
16. Bristol University UK
17. Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne Swiss
18. Eindhoven University of Technology Netherland
19. Amsterdam University Netherland
20. Soas UK

1. Beijing University China
2. Australian National University Australia
3. National University of Singapore Singapore
4. Tokyo University Japan
5. Melbourne University Australia
6. Tsing Hua University China
7. Kyoto University Japan
8. Hong Kong University Hong Kong
9. Sydney University Australia
10. Monash University Australia
11. University of New South Wales Australia
12. Queensland University Australia
13. Auckland University New Zealand
14. Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
15. Indian Institutes of Technology India
16. Hong Kong University Sciences & Technology Singapore
17. Nanyang Technological University Singapore
18. Seoul National University South Korea
19. Indian Institutes of Management India
20. Osaka University Japan


Pscychological Aspect if the student is confronted with the following question.

Solve this linear equation with natural sets R below
1. 3x + 4 < 0
2. 2x - 3 > 5
3. 3x + 4 <= -2x + 7
4. (2x + 5 )/3 < -5/2
5. (2x - 3 )/5 < x/2 + 1
6. 3x -1 < x + 5 < 2x + 3
We can see pscychological aspect from
A. Emotional Quotient
Maybe student feel
1. When get the question
i. Glad ( because they can solve the problems easily)
ii. Bored ( they bored with variation of problems)
iii. Challenged ( they confidence to solve the problems )
iv. Angry ( they bored very much and feel nonsense with solving the question )
v. Normal ( nothing to be problem)
vi. Lazy ( usually doing by lazy’s student )
vii. Enthusiasm (diligent student always feel this sense if they confronted with many problems or question )

2. when solving problems
i. normal
ii. lazy
iii. enthusiasm
iv. bored
v. angry
3. when finished
i. cheerful
ii. satisfied
iii. normal
iv. too few ( need more )
B. Inteligence Quotient
Student who has high IQ need few time to solve the problems
C. Method of giving question
Student more like to get question from games, for example : ice breaker.
Teacher must find how to make student enthusiasm with mathematics, maybe with bringing student into nature
D. Obstacle
Many obstacle that make student cannot solve the question
1. Environment aspect
i. Uncomplete Facilitate
ii. Bad Social culture
2. Themselves
i. Low Motivation
ii. Low Intelectual
iii. Few Spirit
iv. Confuse

E. Support
1. Modul of material
2. giving value
3. Good Facilitate (student book, worksheet and so on )
4. High Motivation from teacher
5. Social condition ( from their frend)

There are my opinion about psychological aspect if the student confronted with this linear equations problem above. How about Yours ???


Variety of using Quantitative Method by Inference Statistic

Variety of using Quantitative Method by Inference Statistic

Statistic is usefull for us. There are, to know about something from several data, made hypothes, got reviews and so on. One of two big group in statistic is inference statistic. In this session, we will discus about Quantitative method that applied in inference Statistic. First, we may check about quantitative method.
Quantitative method is a research method that relies less on interviews, observations, small numbers of questionaires, focus groups, subjective also objectives reports and case studies, but is much more focused on the connection and analysis of numerical data and statistics. The objective of quantitative method is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and hypotheses pertaining to natural phenomena. This method has correlation with measurement. The process of measurement is central to quantitative method because it provides the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships. This method gather data-information dealing with numbers and anything that measurable. Statistics, tables and graphs are often to present the result of these method. It is also show causal relation between variable, specific and looking for predictive value of generalization. it’s need representative and big sample because we must analyses after collecting data. Process of this method is linear.
The purpose of scientific theory is to provide and understandable, simple set of predictions regarding unknow events. The purpose of an excellent research design is to ensure that an investigation will produce results that provide clear evidence with respect to the issues. In this process, statistics has two functions : (1)to summarize the research results with descriptive statistics and (2)to provide probability statements regarding the results with inferential statistics. Now, we talk about inference statistics and why we choose inference statistics.
The word inference as used in science means quite literally to infer one thing from another. Two types of inference : deductive inference and inductive inference (Jum C.Nunnally,1975:40). Deductive inference is one type of inference that concerned purely with the manipulations of symbols system which do not necessarily have counterparts in the real world. Second, sets is apart of other types of logic is that any conclusion is either absolutely true or absolutely false. In contrast to deductive inference, inductive inference is concerned with the rule for testing theories about the world of real events. The word induce means to take statements about relations among observable events. An inductive inference is never finally accepted as absolutely true. Some inductive inference are supported by so many observations that one can be extremely confident that they will hold true tomorrow.
Simple example, deductively inferred, that a box which is 4 feet on each side contains a total of 64 cubic feet. Similarly, it can be inferred that if Sanni is taller than Susi and Susi is taller than Siti, then Sanni is taller than Siti. Example of inductive inference if the feather and steel ball falling at the same rate in vacuum.
If we want to aplly quantitative method in inferential statistics. we must know about your method, analyse your problems and use inference statistic to get the solutions. Lets try… (^_~)

Reference :
1. Nunnally, Jum.C.1975.Introduction to Statistics for Psychology and Education.USA:McGraw-Hill,Inc.
2. www.wikipedia.com/quantitative-research
3. www.poliban.ac.id/up2m/download/metodologi%20penelitian%20

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sanni merdekawati